International Art Resources


Also check our  "GRAPHIC's page"




Early Bird Deadline: July, 30, 2009    Regular Deadline: September, 30, 2009    For more information click  HERE


Poster of the Year Competition!

The International Design Awards invite designers worldwide to showcase their creative talents! The poster competition is open to graphic designers as well as architects and designers of products, fashion, and interiors. Whether the poster is your creation, or your work was featured in it, you are invited to enter your noteworthy designs for the Poster of the Year Competition!

All entries must be submitted online no later than July 30, 2009. Entries submitted after July 30 require a late fee of $10 per entry.

Entries will not be accepted after August 15, 2009.





IDA Poster of the year competition 09
The International Design Awards invite designers worldwide to showcase their creative talents. The poster competition is open to graphic designers as well as architects and designers of products, fashion, and interiors. Whether the poster is your creation, or your work was featured in it, you are invited to enter your noteworthy designs for the Poster of the Year Competition.
 Deadline : All entries must be submitted online no later than July 30, 2009. Entries submitted after July 30 require a late fee of $10 per entry.

Entries will not be accepted after August 15, 2009



2010  Contest 2010 not yet confirmed by the organizers - Feel free to contact them fort complete guidelines before submission.




XXIth International Poster and Graphic Arts Festival of Chaumont

Deadline : January 18th.(to confirm)

Any poster delivered after this date will not be registered.

Entries must be addressed : Festival International de l'Affiche et des Arts Graphiques de Chaumont-7/9, avenue Foch, 52 000 Chaumont - France  phone : 33 (0)3 25 03 86 80  fax : 33 (0)3 25 03 86 98

Mail  - additional info :   



The Hong Kong International Poster Triennial is a major event of the Hong Kong Heritage Museum to document the development of international poster design and to celebrate its achievements at regular intervals.

Deadline : January 15th, 2010 (to confirm)





100 Best Posters Of The Year – International Poster Competition from Germany

Deadline February 15 th 2010
100 Beste Plakate e.V.- c/o Ellerhold Grossplakate GmbH  Friedrich-List-Straße 4  D-01445 Radebeul
Kontakt Susanne Ellerhold  Telefon 0[049]351 8393382 Fax 83933351  
Site (info 2009)  mail  


22th International Poster Biennale (IPB), Warsaw 2010

The event is being organised by the Poster Museum at Wilanow Department of the National Museum in Warsaw and Polish Poster Foundation.
Deadline : mid-February (exat date to confirm)  .






Graphisme dans la rue (18ème édition)

Thème : à confirmer

Ce concours international s’adresse aux graphistes professionnels, les réalisations devront aborder ce thème sur un format à l’italienne (80x60 cm à l’horizontal) et être envoyées avant le 15 mars 2010 .



Chicago International Poster Biennial.

The intent of the initiative is to provide a comprehensive review of the current state of international poster design. Its timing coincides with the annual conference of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), which will also be held in Chicago for the first time.  

Deadine : Most likely, entries will be accepted during March / April and the judging will take place in May.

The exhibition will happen in July or August. We will make the announcement on the website later this year:





International Socio-Political Poster Biennale

The goal of the 3rd nternational Socio-Political Poster Biennale is to showcase the creative activity of poster art engaged in the social and political life of different regions and cultures.

The International Socio-Political Poster Biennale is organised by the International Youth Meeting Centre in Oświęcim/Auschwitz (Poland). The Centre was founded in 1985 by Action Reconciliation/Service for Peace in Berlin, and supported by the City of Oświęcim. It is a meeting place for youth from all around the world and where contemporary art is presented, ideas are exchanged, and political discussions take place.

Deadline : May 1st 2010    Site



2010 Poster Competition - greendesign
The Toronto Society of Architects (TSA), in association with the Canada Green Building Council - Greater Toronto Chapter (CaGBC-GT), and the Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC), invite submissions for ourfifth annual poster design competition to promote and raise awareness around green buildings and sustainable design.
Sustainable design spans an incredible range. From the design of small objects for everyday use, through to the design of buildings, neighbourhoods, cities, and natural environments; the impact of sustainable design can affect all members of society. This competition is based on the idea that sustainable design is an integrated process that is fundamentally about improving the quality of life, maintaining a unique sense of place, supporting the cultural and economic vitality of our communities, and improving the health and sustainability of the environments we inhabit.

The purpose of the competition is to produce an image that draws attention to the value of green design, and that illustrates how design can enhance economic, social, and ecological sustainability. For more information about this year's competition, please consult the competition brief or contact

Deadline : May 1 st (to confirm)



14th International Fair Poster Competition

This is the forum displaying the modern poster art for the purposes of the international exhibition industry.

This year the participants are invited to take part in the Competition and to submit еxhibition event posters. All the posters will be displayed at the international exhibition of printing communications PRINTCOM 2010.Open only to UFI members, you can apply for participation by completing the application forms and mailing them to INTERNATIONAL FAIR PLOVDIV- Marketing Dept. - 37, Tzar Boris III Obedinitel Blvd. 4003 Plovdiv, BULGARIA

Please forward one copy of the application forms to UFI Headquarters : Ms Lili Eigl – UFI Communications Manager  35 bis, rue Jouffroy d’Abbans 75017 Paris, FRANCE

The posters shall be accepted and assessed in accordance with the enclosed 2009 Competition Regulations.

The deadline for submitting your posters is 10 May (to confirm)



TSA Poster Competition
The TSA organizes and hosts an annual poster competition exploring a theme relating to architecture and design. Each year the TSA partners with a different organization to promote the selected theme; partners in past years included the City of Toronto to create a poster for the inauguration of fAd, the DIAC to emphasize ‘design matters’, Heritage Toronto for the promotion of modern and historic building heritage.
The aim of the competition is to raise awareness and to celebrate design. It is open to everyone and is promoted through our sister organizations. The jury is comprised of design professionals from various disciplines and includes a member of the partnering organization.
The competition runs parallel to the Festival of Architecture and Design (fAd) and is launched in Spring with winners announced in May at the Toronto the Good Party. Cash prizes are awarded to those entries selected for first, second, and third place. Competition finalists are included in an exhibit which travels to various venues throughout the city.

Deadline : May 15th (to confirm)



Ten images for Ithaca 2010
9th poster competition of the island of Ithaca, Greece.
Theme : I
Deadline : 20 May 2010
Size : Height 40cm (15,75"), Width 12cm (4,73")
“I”. A “portrait” of myself. What do I see when I stand in front of a mirror? How do I see myself? How do others see me? What image would best represent me? What image

would best represent my personal, social or political identity, my inspirations, my habits or my travels?
All of the above are just a few of the many ways one can approach this year’s competition theme “I”. Site



International Biennial of the Poster in Mexico

he competition is open to professionals and students in the fields of graphic design, graphic arts, plastic arts and photography. Participants of all ages and nationalities may enter as individuals or on a group basis. The winners will be invited to present a collective exhibit of their work in the program of the next Biennial.

Deadline is May 31st, 2010 (to confirm)
Contact : Trama Visual, A. C. - Alvaro Obregon 73, col. Roma,  - Apartado Postal No. 7-900 - Mexico, D.F., 06700 - T: + 52 5 514 81 37  - F: + 52 5 525 42 65  Site



Golden Bee 9

Moscow International Biennale of Graphic Design 2010

Categories to be advised

Participation Terms
Works should be dated 2006–2008. The competition accepts separate artists as well as groups of artistsfor participation. No special format or printing techniques are required. No participation fee. Number of entries is unlimited. Entry Form and Entry Label must be filled in print letters. The work titles must be translated to English. One label per entry must be attached in the back of pieces with adhesive tape (no glue!).
Make a copy of the Entry Form if necessary or print it out from Biennial website. In order to be reproduced in the catalogue, all works should be supplied with slides, transparencies or electronic versions on CD (EPS, TIFF formats, 300 dpi, 30 cm on the lager side, CMYK + fonts). The authors’ names of the works, selected for participation, will be published by the Selection Committee on the Biennial website. Neither works nor transparencies will be returned. They remain in the Golden Bee Biennial’s collection. Organizers have the right to use works from the competition free of charge.
Deadline : May 31st 2010





6th International Poster Biennial, Ningbo

aims at promoting high-level graphic design, encouraging outstanding up-and-coming young designers, stimulating original design experience, and elevating professional level of design education.

Organizer : The committee of Ningbo International Poster Biennial - Theme to be advised

Ningbo International Poster Biennale Secretariat B-901, Dashidai Bldg., 105 Renmin Rd., Ningbo, China, 315021 Tel: +86  574  87353889  56269353  56269363 Fax: +86  574  56269373  87355400Deadline : October 5th, 2010  (to be confirmed)  Mail



International Students Design Competition of Ningbo Poster Biennial

aims at promoting high-level graphic design, encouraging outstanding up-and-coming young designers, stimulating original design experience, and elevating professional level of design education.

Organizer : The committee of Ningbo International Poster Biennial - Theme to be advised
Deadline :
October 5th, 2010  (to be confirmed)
Ningbo International Poster Biennale Secretariat B-901, Dashidai Bldg., 105 Renmin Rd., Ningbo, China, 315021 Tel: +86  574  87353889  56269353  56269363 Fax: +86  574  56269373  87355400  
Site   Mail  





Lahti Poster Biennial 2011

18th International Poster Biennial to be held in Finland
Lahti Art Museum | Poster Museum

Deadline : November 30th, 2010



2011  Contest  not yet confirmed by the organizers - Feel free to contact them fort complete guidelines before submission.




ZGRAF 11. International Graphic Design Triennial in Zagreb, Croatia, 2011
ZGRAF is a triennial international exhibition of graphic design and visual communications held in Zagreb, Croatia, since 1975. Throughout its history, ZGRAF exhibitions have brought together designers, theoreticians and critics, the aim being to think through the basic problems of design in contemporary society.

Deadline : February 25th,2011 (to be confirmed)

For information contact : ULUPUH - Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts  Janja Feric, ZGRAF Secretary  ZGRAF, ULUPUH, Vlaska 72  10000 Zagreb, Croatia  T: + 385 98 812 932 





4th  International Graphic Biennial of the Islamic World

After holding two courses of International Poster Biennial of the Islamic World, Iranian Academy of Arts is about to hold the third course, under the name of the Islamic World,

based upon primary policy making of the Biennial to deal with other branches of graphic design. The motto of this course is “Islamic Civilization”, thus it is requested

all designers to select or create their own works which are preferably relevant to motto of the Biennial.

Organizer : Saba Cultural and Artistic Institute , Palestine Contemporary Arts Museum

Aims : - Promoting  field of relations exchanges of contemporary artistic among artists across the Islamic World. - Appreciating  the artistic experiences of young designers in Islamic societies. - Examining and emphasizing on identity in works of Islamic Worlds designers. - Introducing dynamic contemporary designers in Islamic World field.

Sections : 1- Poster 2- Book cover  3- Logo 

Special Section : Poster on Palestine

Deadline : May 30th





5th China International Poster Biennial
The 5th China International Poster Biennial (CIPB) will be held in October  at the West lake of Hangzhou, China. This exhibition of posters chosen from throughout the world is intended to provide a review of the current state of international poster design of the 21st century.

Deadline :  June 25th



4th International Biennial of the Poster in Bolivia (BICeBe) is open to design students, graphic designers, fine artists, photographers and graphic producers in general, of any age and nationality. The Biennial seeks to evaluate the historic importance of the poster and to become an inclusive forum to foster the discussion on the current state and perspectives of graphic design around the world.
Applicants have until 30 June to submit up to four posters
Categories : A) Posters on cultural topics and activities B) Posers on political and social issues C) Posters advertising commercial events, products or services D) Unpublished posters on the topic MIGRATION
Contestants for category D shall express their points of view on the effect and consequences of migration and shall also submit proposals for the solution to the problem. This topic will help society and its many organisations and institutions to learn about the positive and negative effects of migration on people and countries.

Deadline : June 30th



2012  Contest  not yet confirmed by the organizers - Feel free to contact them fort complete guidelines before submission.




The 10th International Poster Triennial in Toyama

March 20, 2012 Info   (edition 2009)





Trnava Poster Triennial (TPT) 2012 is a public non-anonymous international competitive exhibition of posters produced from March 2007 until 15th May 2010

Participation : Professional designers (individuals, teams) or Students of fine art academies

The Triennial event is organised by The Jan Koniarek Gallery in Trnava, The Slovak Design Centre in Bratislava, The Trnava City Council, The Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, and POSTER (civic association).
Info : Galeria Jana Koniarka - Zeleny krieek 3, Trnava 917 01, Slovakia   Tel + 421 33 55 11 659

Competition Categories : - A1 Poster professional authors - individuals and teams - A2 Poster students of fine arts academies - B  Design of websites

Deadline : May 15th (to confirm)
Fax: + 421 33 55 11 391 email  Deadline : March 2012
